Dr. Ruth Westheimer, who encouraged America to talk about sex .

dr ruth

Dr Ruth westheirmer was the professor of human sexuality at the new york hospital, cornell university medical college she was also  the host of a very popular call in radio program  

dr ruth says that her radio program it started with 15 minutes and uh  a quarter after midnight also ticked on sundays  

and in order to know if we really talk about the things that are of interest to people we ask. people to write letters and in mushrooms and as of september i’m on the air a whole hour live from 10
dr ruth
till 11 and i understand that about 653 phone calls come in that hour but i can only answer about 25 to 30 and it’s lots of fun and i do think that it’s also of interest yes it well it must be
during interview with Dr Ruth host asked from her tell me what happens the people call in and what do they say what are they what happens is that
she answer ;very often i do read some letters that i think are of interest in general and then i do take some phone calls about sex specifically
she more added but not only about sex about relationships about sex education plant care about planned parenthood contraception
host asked another question from her that tell me if this is the kind of question you get is it abnormal for a 19 year old to be nervous around older women but to be very attracted to them and this is from a 19 year old male
she then reply the host question answer; that’s a fantastic question david and i tell you why what he really wants to know probably and what i would generalize about that question is that it’s perfectly all right to get erections even at places where erections are not called for because you can’t use the direction at the time

more she added around women in general and if this  particular 19 year old does feel a certain  movement in his genitalia that it’s perfectly  right he shouldn’t worry about it okay

the at this answer audience laughed and host added to whom joined him newly to the show that if you just joined us we’re discussing elections
host ask another question from Dr Ruth that how do you know when it’s the right time age etc to make love to someone a 17 year old female
Dr Ruth added when i get a question like this from a young person i have a feeling that that young  person really would like somebody to say hold it wait a while don’t let anybody pressure you into a sexual activity and wait for that inner voice
she more added to tell you when it is the right time and the right time might be at the night of the wedding with that person that you have chosen so when i see a question like this i like this kind of relationship questions and where i can say don’t get pressured into any sexual activity that you don’t feel comfortable

Host asked her another question from her that do you find that you get more questions dealing with relationships or more questions dealing with uh sexual dysfunction

Host asked her another question from her that do you know of any modern day aphrodisiacs

dr ruth reply his question ,yes the only aphrodisiac needed is right between your ears it’s in your mind nothing from the outside and it is not a substance to be taken it is just what you can do with your mind in order to get good sexual functioning yeah this is fascinating this radio program do
Host asked her another question from her people call up and snicker and giggle then she reply that’s a good question david even when i hear snickering even when it’s a question about somebody being sexually aroused by a peanut butter i answer it very seriously because there might be somebody out there who really has a question about

fetishism and i don’t mind that there is giggles  because i think that sexual activity should be fun  and it should be humor and that’s why i’m here  talking with you on this show but i do answer  

it in terms of the findings the physiological  and research findings in terms of the sexual  knowledge that we do have

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