Palestinian girls are learning how to box in an open air

As bombs shatter Gaza, boxing coach emboldens girls
Palestinian girls are learning how to box in an open air encampment the group used to box indoors at a boxing club
but it’s since been demolished by Israel’s offensive in Gaza now we are in a war says young boxer bilsan
a the equipment and tools were all completely destroyed so we are here playing but there is nothing . she adds there are no punch bags or protective equipment like mats and gloves and the open space they practice in leaves them vulnerable to air strikes and shelling
despite the risks Bilson says boxing helps her release stress she credits their coach Osama a for continuing to train them throughout the war
they have determination they have contentment they have courage at first they feared the war and which we are living in but through boxing they benefited a lot from it
he says they are stronger there was once numerous sporting facilities in Gaza now Osama says everything related to sports has been destroyed and attempts to restart sports are risky
risky this week at least 29 people died after an Israeli missile slammed into a soccer match at a tent encampment Palestinian
officials say still bilon continues to practice hoping to one day compete in an international boxing tournament When The War is Over

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